Monday, August 15, 2016

RAW Rapid Runback Aug. 15, 2016: Seth seeks the 'Demon King', Rusev and Reigns tangle

This is the first RAW I’ve watched since the brand split. I see nothing has changed with the way RAW runs things. First things first, 15 minutes of talking, then commercial, five minutes of talking, five mintues of wrestling, commercial.

I counted five segments and two matches in the first hour, one of which was a five minute squash between commercials and segments.

Hour two was two segments, three matches.

Hour three was two segments, two matches.

Here are a few high level observations before more play-by-play like observations.

My how Roman Reigns has fallen. Now competing for the US title against Rusev. Honestly, I don’t expect Reigns to go over against Rusev who is working his tail off to get as much heat as he can just to get Reigns over. If Reigns doesn’t win at Summerslam, we may not see him back in the main event for a while.

Everyone seems to be talking about respect right now. The only one who really struck me was Heath Slater. Slater got really over with me in his segment, essentially demanding a trip to suplex city.

Having no commentators at ringside eliminates the possibility of guys getting thrown over the table or getting smashed on it or through it. Takes something away but is also refreshing. It does take away big spots on tables though.

It seems that RAW is really going to make the third hour count, something Smackdown can’t do. 

Nothing regarding any of the main event stuff happened in the first two hours. The problem with that is it will just condition me to watch the final hour.

Opening segment

At least this time, it was Rusev but it didn’t take long for Stephanie McMahon to be involved. Regins comes in and it seems the TV trucks took all the bass out of the sound and turned up the high end to minimize the boos and elevate the cheers.

Regins makes fun of Rusev for being ugly and stays on that train. Mick gets a cheap pop right here in Corpus Christi, Texas. Rusev vs. Reigns main event.

Sheamus vs. Sami Zayn

Honestly missed the talking segment from Sheamus, didn’t mind that I missed it. Cesaro on commentary during the match.

The pair work a pretty standard match. One cool spot was Sheamus catching Zayn on a tornado DDT and throwing him into the ringpost outside the ring.

They’re spending more time building the RAW vs. Smackdown feud than they are with the Sheamus vs. Cesaro feud. Sheamus has gotten all of his spots in but White Noise and Brogue. Zayn just hit his first spot. Rally time.

Not yet. 

White noise and Michael Cole is having a rough night on commentary. Has called White Noise the Irish Curse and the Blue Thunder Bomb a Michinoku Driver. Cesaro interferes into a Helluva Kick and that’s all she wrote.

Winner: Sami Zayn w/ help from Cesaro

Jericho and Owens segment

Can we call them JerichOwens? These two are so good on the mic and them working together makes me happy inside. “You’d better watch it.” I love how Chris Jericho can get any phrase over. MC and I call each other “stupid idiot” all the time. Commercial break

Speaking of commercials…this would make for a great commercial. “WWE Monday Night RAW: You’d better watch it!”

Back from commercial and Cesaro and Sheamus are arguing.
Mick Foley does something really interesting. Sheamus and Cesaro are going to be in a best-of-seven series. That’s a really cool idea.

New Day vs. Dudley Boyz

Anderson and Gallows come on mocking Big E, dressed as doctors. I counted eight penis jokes in the course of their promo.

Bubba Ray is talking A LOT during this match. Working a pretty standard face/heel match. They went to the hope spot too soon. Tag matches need more than five minutes…especially when two of those minutes of talking.

Realistically, the match was just a reason for New Day to get out in the ring so I’m not counting this as a match.

Four more penis jokes from Anderson and Gallows, aapparently Anderson and Gallows are coming for Kofi and Xavier’s balls too.

New Day puts in a promo saying that Anderson and Gallows don’t have the power of positivity or the power to touch their “New Day Rocks.”

Winner: New Day

Tease to Nia Jax and commercial.

Come back from commercial and Seth is looking for “The Demon King” some more. Neville tells Seth Rollins he isn’t ready for “The Demon King”.

Nia Jax vs. Female Jobber No. 4

Jobber says that she’s going to win gold like Simone Biles. Her name is Rachel Levity, I think I heard? She looks like a unicorn threw up inside a hot topic. Nia Jax pushed her off the top rope though and now I think she’s dead. Nia Jax always looks like she’s going to cry. Anyway, she won.  Paul goes back to talk to Brock Lesnar. 


Winner: Nia Jax

Brock Lesnar segment.

Paul Heyman comes out and does his normal shtick which is still tremendous before being interupted by Heath Slater and his awesome new music “I’m a one man band.”

Slater is demanding a match for respect with Brock Lesnar. Brock actually does some okay mic work in a staredown with Heath Slater. Heath tried to step up to Lesnar but gets a quick trip to Suplex City. 
Slater did some good mic work though in this segment.

Paul doesn’t miss a beat and gets right back into coming after Randy Orton. Don't get the Network because spoiler alert Brock kills people.
Big Cass vs. Owens

I don’t expect this match to end with a pin. Enzo is just my favorite guy right now. It’s absurd how over these two guys are right now. Okay, Jeri-KO is a lot better than Jerich-Owens.

Owens works a really good heel match. Ducking out of the ring, sneaking up from behind. Jericho just blindsided Cass and now the pair are dominating outside while Enzo inadvertently provides the distraction. Real good heel work by the pair.


Cass just went from in the corner on his butt to into a big boot to a running KO. Great spot. Cass rallies and Owens counters, sending Cass out of the ring. Owens was looking for the apron bomb but it got reversed. Shocking…Jericho came in and interfered with the match. I can’t believe that just happened.

Now the beat down but Cass is fighting back. I have no idea where Enzo is. He must have gone down during commercial? They finally show Enzo out. That was weird.

Winner: Big Cass by DQ

Segment with Roman Reigns

Reigns says he’s going to represent his blood line and whoop someones ass. He tries to channel some 
Dwayne by making types of fight jokes. Rusev breaks it up and the two fight in the back. The pipes! The pipes fell! In any backstage fight, there will always be pipes falling. I don’t know why but I love it. Rusev and Reigns get separated and commercial.

Primetime Players w/ Bob Backlund vs.Shining Stars

So the WWE idea of making Darren Young great again was to get the primetime players back together. They start with a little chain wrestling but Titus tags in. One problem, he wasn’t touching the corner. That’s lazy reffing.

Also, I thought the Shining Stars were another job squad. Apparently, they’re supposed to add depth and they’re likely not going over a team that doesn’t even exist anymore. Booking 101, guys c’mon.
Titus just hit Darren Young with his finisher and the Shining Stars go over? What the hell was that? So they just hurt Darren Young’s push with that. Wow, talk about a swing from one way to the other.

Also, Titus is apparently heel now.

Winner: Shining Stars

Jinder Mahal vs. Neville

I like that they refer to Jinder Mahal as RAW’s newest signee like we’re not supposed to remember that he’s already been a thing. Apparently, he went over Slater which is causing this whole free agent thing with Heath Slater which actually has potential.

This match is part of Neville’s “Hey, remember me?!” Tour.

Jinder Mahal is actually looking strong against Neville here. Neville then starts working his spots including a crane kick hop on what was his bad leg. Red Arrow. 1-2-3.

I’m a fan of the Red Arrow but I don’t like when finishing moves hurt the person doing the move on the person taking the move.

Winner: Neville

Seth Rollins segment

Seth is still out looking for the Demon King. Mick and Steph were talking about having Jon Stewart at Summerslam. Apparently, Stewart works for WWE now.

Seth wants to take a night off after all his hard “work” to find the Finn Balor. Mick tells Seth to go do it from the ring and so that’s where he’s headed after Mick tells the crew to hit Seth’s music. 


After Commercial Seth comes out and says that nothing can stop him from being the Universal Champion. I still don’t like that name. Seth is calling out Finn Balor. Pause. Longer pause. Nothing happens.

Seth uses the opportunity to put himself over. He claims Balor is scared of him. Lights and audio doing spooky things as Seth Rollins continues to talk. Now here comes Balor. Wonder if he’s going to be painted up. Hey, he is.

So does this mean that Kane has to answer to Finn Balor?

It’s staredown time. Seems like they’re trying to start hour three out with a bang. Balor and Rollins both get a couple shots in, Balor misses the Coup de’ Grace but does go over in the segment as Rollins rolls out of the ring.

More hype for Reigns and Rusev. They showed the same thing at the beginning of the show. Reigns continues to just be douchebag frat boy from Hawaii.

The Golden Truth vs. Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows
Gallows and Anderson are coming down to the ring in their doctor coats with Big E’s “egg”. They’re getting a lot of milage out of a dick joke.

R-Truth gets worked over early. Goldust comes in off the hot tag and delivers in the hope spot. Vintage Rhodes with the classic power slam. Gallows and Anderson no sell it and a magic killer later the match is over.

New Day comes out and starts the beat down on Anderson and Gallows. Kofi and Woods tease hitting Gallows in the nuts with the trombone but Anderson pulls him to safety.

Winner: Anderson and Gallows

Charlotte and Dana Brooks are having a segment. Back-to-back WWE Network plugs. Charlotte is doing the angry mentor angle. I think there was a Devil Wears Prada reference. Why do I know that? I’ve never seen that movie.

Charlotte vs. Alicia Fox

So RAW is going back to the old school where they already have one competitor in the ring when the show comes back from commercial. Also, hey remember Alicia Fox? She was on team Bella and was once considered a “tough competitor” even though she lost to AJ Lee twice a week. This whole match was just set up for Sasha Banks to talk trash for a while.

Winner: Charlotte

Charlotte is challenging Banks to come down to the ring. Dana Brooke came out and took out Banks’ knee and now the Figure 8. It’s been going on for a while. Now Banks is likely kayfabe injured for Sunday.


They’ve already teased the Reigns/Rusev match and there’s about half an hour left in the show. This could either be good or drag out forever.

We’re back and some of that time is going to be sucked up by a Braun Strowman promo. Not him talking or anything. Just him beating up a guy that looks like your cousin Mikey.

Okay, it’s main event time. Lana is out in her wedding dress still. Rusev coming out first. Oh I forgot, this match is for the honor of Lana since her wedding was ruined.

Rusev soaking up the heat, going back to the old chestnut, “Hey, I’m not American!” Reigns comes out from the curtain this time.

While we’re on the topic of that, Jinder Mahal came out in a turban looking like Cricket from Always Sunny in Philadelphia. That was weird.

By the way, Reigns and Rusev are fighting and the match hasn’t officially started yet. They were both in the ring at one point and I’ve seen plenty of matches start with fighting and have the bell ring. Lazy reffing pt. deux.


Rusev vs. Roman Reigns

Apparently the match started in the break and now Rusev is working Reigns’ arm and leg. I still really hate that Roman Reigns uses the SHIELD music and still wears body armor. Even if you’re in just an undershirt and jeans (Hi, Dean).

Reigns catches Rusev with a Samoan Drop and has started the rally. Rusev squashes the hope spot and is now working over Reigns on the outside. Rusev seems content to just beat down Reigns. Rusev went for the DQ, trying to hit Reigns with the belt but Reigns counters.


We’re back and Rusev is on the mic, telling people to cheer for the Russian and the Bulgarian. Rusev still dominating that arm and working it over with Sunday on his mind. Rusev is actually using Reigns’ padded vest against him. See Roman? Ditch it.

It seems like they’re trying to build sympathy for Reigns but it’s just not working. Rusev sets Reigns up on the top rope and Reigns counters. After a rest spot, Reigns starts building momentum but gets squashed again.

Reigns is kicking out of everything. Rusev has hit four diving headbutts and Reigns has kicked out. Suddenly out of nowhere, a Roman chant…that’s weird. Rusev misses the fifth diving headbutt and the pair exchange punches.

Reigns gets the upper hand and sends him out. By the way, this has dragged on. Superman punch outside the ring countered by a chest kick. Rusev went to the big kick, countered with a superman punch kickout at two by Rusev.

Reigns is first to his feet and went for the spear. Two huge kick counters and a false finish for Rusev again. Reigns just won’t go away…in this match…or in general for that matter.

Reigns is fighting out from the accolade and then a huge chop block by Rusev. Accolade locked in now. Reigns won’t tap and drags his way to the rope.

A really sloppy exchange complete with Rusev falling out of the ring and then rolling back in to get a spear and that’s the end of the match.

Winner: Roman Reigns

So Rusev does not defend the honor of his bride on live TV. Ladies and gentlemen…your main event.

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